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Natural Remedies for Heartburn Relief


10:00 AM - August 1, 2014 by Nate Jones

Do you have the gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD? You are most likely familiar with the burning and painful feeling that arises and also the virulent taste that surfaces when the oral cavity is reached by stomach acid. If you are currently still in this condition daily, then whatever method of treatment you are getting is not very effective.

In the chance that conventional treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease is not effective for you, you might try finding a natural remedy for treating your acid reflux. Here are a few natural remedies that are worth trying at home, with extra details about their usefulness and facts about how they work.

1.  It has been shown that herbs such as caraway and peppermint have been proven to a bit effective in treating acid reflux. Consider finding food supplement that has these two herbs and some other herbs such as angelica, licorice, and lemon balm.

Traditional medicines may assist in reducing the force of reflux incidents. Always remember to check with your doctor before you take any fresh food supplement using it to treat any health condition.

2. Cut down on the amount of oily, salty, sour, and spicy food stuff you take. These kinds of food can really intensify the natural production of stomach acid, which can in turn activate acid reflux.

There is a large amount of sodium and oil usually in fast food, which are a no-go area for people with GERD. Reduce your intake to just a few times if you are someone that likes eating a lot of fast food and also be careful of the portion you eat.

3. Skim milk could alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux, if moderately taken.  The occurrence of heartburn at late hours can be minimized by taking two US cups of skim milk. Stay away from whole milk because naturally occurring fats and sugars found in milk can prompt more production of stomach acids.

4. As unbelievable as it may sound, chewing gum can assist in relieving the symptoms of GERD sometimes. By chewing, the production of saliva (a natural enzyme) is stimulated and this acts against acid in the stomach.

More saliva is swallowed as you chew more gum. Gum chewing means that more air is swallowed and this can assist to force down any excess stomach acids that passed the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

Heartburn no more?

Using different remedies for only one health condition can be quite traumatic for many people. If you are seeking to stop heartburn permanently through a natural way, then consider the Heartburn No More Success System. It is a system that controls and manages acid reflux in a natural method.

It is applicable for all ages, and the system has information that can be immediately applied. You will find out that the things to stay away from so as to keep your condition in control, and also ways to naturally heal tissues that have been damaged by acid reflux. People with GERD can find important information about OTC treatment and prescription meds in this unique reference.


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